Most Effective Muay Thai Combo

Muay Thai is a sport in Thailand that uses kicks, punches, elbow, and knee strokes, also known for Thai boxing or Kickboxing. Most expert MMA contestants use the best Muay Thai combo as their essential strategy to beat their rivals. One of the reasons for this is the way the punches are hit (for example, kicks) the following are the best Muay Thai combo:


This should be a larger stance than you would see with a traditional fighter. Boxers, in general, will be left out rather than facing their opponents. Thai fighters will face more of their rivals, with their shoulders in a similar line. Thai fighters continue in this line since kicks are allowed in Muay Thai. Since they are authorized, for protection purposes, you must block the punches of your rivals.

Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet slightly bend at the knees. In case you are a right-hand player, then place your left leg forward and, in the case of a left player, put your right leg forward. An added advantage of this position is that you will have more strength with your main swing in the strokes as you can get a more considerable amount of shoulder behind the hit.

For example, if you are a privileged player, then the left punch will be even more impressive at this point in the position of a regular fighter.

Place your hands before your jaw, mainly protecting that piece of your face. Keep your elbows low and close to your body to ensure kicks and kicks. The right blow to the body of a blow or kick can soften it, so keeping this area safe is crucial.

Basic Strokes

The punch begins with the legs, mainly with the back leg. For real strength, pull away from the leg by pulling the right hook. Always remember to keep your hands up when throwing a punch.

Straight Strokes (Jab / Cross): The hit is the direct hit with the lead hand. For the right hands, throw a punch, move slightly with your left leg, and roll your body by throwing a right leg legitimately forward. Make sure you put your shoulder in the socket. A cross is a direct hit with your skill hand. For the right people, move your right hand forward by bending your body and gaining power from your back leg. Remember to stay balanced always.

Hook: the power comes from the hips and your technique. Your hips and the touch of your body will give you strength. The method has to do with the positioning of the hands and arm. To cast a hook, keep your elbow at a similar height or somewhat lower than your hand, or you will lose strength. Never allow your hands to circulate your body while pulling this punch. Letting your hands circulate takes too long, leaving you helpless against your opponent’s strike.

Uppercuts: it is not difficult to pull the arms carefully. This is a typical slip made by throwing this left punch. The key is to bring your body down, squatting with your legs in a coil position, detonating upward with your legs pulling an upward punch while trying to strike below your opponent’s jawline.

Again, with each of these blows, you keep your hands up and never let go.

Knees and kicks

To kick a right knee, if you get the right knee, start in your basic position. Explode hips forward away from your foot and bring the right knee towards your left toe.

Lifting the toes will include energy. While hitting with the right knee, bring both hands to the right hip. This is done because you are snatching the back of your opponent’s head or neck and dropping it as the knee goes up. This is a very destructive blow.

Kicks can be difficult at the beginning. Try not to get discouraged. Practice brings promising results. The kicks in Muay Thai are power kicks. You are not trying to kick as if you would in Karate. Instead, you are trying to hit your opponent with power.

To begin, we will see these kicks from the right-hand position manner. In case, you are kicking the right leg, start venturing a little forward by turning the left about 45 degrees outward.

While kicking, turn on the toes and ball of the left foot. For a true kicking force, hit it with your hips. Your hips should rotate your entire body.

For the right shot while throwing it, swing the right hand down and pass the right chair and the left hand on the face. Bringing the right hand will help with your torque, increasing the strength of the kick.

This will help to rotate the right leg so that it gives the kick on a down edge. Bringing your left hand is for prudent purposes, in which case, your opponent attacks the hand protecting your face.

Land the kick with your lowest gaze, not with your foot. Your shins are significantly more impressive than your foot, and the possibility of landing with your foot risks danger. Return to your fight position once the kick is completed.

The left throw is a “switch” kick. This implies that you are in your essential position and then quickly change the position of your foot. The right foot is forward (45 degrees out), and the left foot is back. At that moment, detonate to your left equivalent to a right kick.

This time your right foot is facing outward 45 degrees, your left-hand moves down the left hip, and your right hand is in the face of a guard.

Where should your kicks fall on your opponent? A low kick hits the rival thigh, just above the knee. You must kick the roundhouse in the neck or head. Again, the lowest part of your shin should connect with your rival.

Combo Steps

Once you have known the punches and kicks, use them in combos. A number in each combo below is:

1 = left jab

2 = Left Jab – Right Cross

3 = Left Jab – Right Cross – Left Hook

4 = Left punch – Right cross – Left hook – Right cross

5 = Left punch – Right cross – Left hook – Right cross – Upper left cut

6 = Left punch – Right cross – Left hook – Right cross – Upper left cut – Right cross


 Muay Thai combo is aimed at people who train in competitive sports, to improve mental and physical well-being, self-defense, and master art at a professional level.

Muay boxing technique has multiple advantages of gaining confidence, feeling energetic, and able to defend oneself when required.


Kicks are hard than any other defense style. The aim is to break what you kick, and this may sometime hurt.

If not well-practiced, you may end up injuring yourself than the opponent.

To master these combos and any others, there are no questions you must train your body. Combos, in general, requires a lot of stamina and effective techniques. It is highly recommended to do cardio and build up stamina and practice your techniques as much as possible. 

It is preferable training methods is to get a sparring partner or private training from a coach, as they would point out your technique’s weakness such as footwork, stance, timing, skipping and other anomalies.

If you like these few Muay Thai combo, let us know by giving us a share. If you got any other mixed martial arts request or just more Muay Thai training guides, then send us a message.